When To Use The Special Formula Bulking Agent.
The Holistic Horizons Special Formula Bulking Agent may be used in place of the Intestinal Bulking Agent II whenever necessary or desired. It is primarily intended for use by persons with severe overgrowth of candida albicans (parasitic yeast). It can also be used to achieve less diuretic activity or simply because one prefers the taste.
Both the Intestinal Bulking Agent II and the Special Formula Bulking Agent will enchance the growth of lactobacteria (friendly bacteria) in the body when used together with the Herbal Enhancement Formula tablets. However, the Intestinal Bulking Agent II is several times more effective. Futhermore, lactobacteria are hostile to the parasitic candida organisms. When the lactobacteria are increased rapidly they begin to kill the candida rapidly as well. If the candida infestation is severe, candida may be killed so quickly that the candida "die-off" (toxins released by dying candida) reactions occur. These may take the form of headaches, nausea, constipation, gas, mucus discharge and other symptoms experienced by persons having candida.
Manufactured by: Holistic Horizons