Natural healing methods for IBS and IBD (Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis) that work! How to become and remain drug and surgery-free.
Jini Patel Thompson is the author of "Listen to Your Gut" and "The IBD Remission Diet". Her mission in life is to share her elemental diet & natural supplementation plan to achieve ongoing, long-term health for people with Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's, Diverticulitis and IBS. Her approach is fresh and straight to the point, without a lot of space filler that most books have. She has remained drug and surgery-free for over 16 years and manages her symptoms and heals her flare-ups using the natural methods described in both of her books, "Listen to Your Gut" and "The IBD Remission Diet". Two very informative reads that you don't want to pass up - a must for any IBS or IBD patient, particularly those that have run the obstacle course of medical treatments.
Jini Says: Fish oil is an excellent source of bioavailable Omega-3’s which are anti-inflammatory. Recommended for cardiovascular health, improved blood viscosity, joint mobility, flexibility, healthy skin and hair, and memory function. Every person on this planet would benefit from taking a fish oil supplement - but especially people with IBD and IBS. Unfortunately, we can’t sell liquid fish oil here, as it requires refrigeration – but it is widely available at all health stores.
Numerous scientific studies have shown that the elongated omega-3 fatty acids in Cod Liver Oil improves brain function, memory and learning and behavioral disorders, stress response, manic depression, and allergies. It relieves many skin disorders. Cold Liver plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of heart conditions. It acts as a natural blood thinner, and some evidence suggests it reduces cholesterol levels as well. Cod Liver Oil works as a lubricant to alleviate stiffness and pain in the joints, improves bone mineral density, and it slows down damage caused by arthritis. Recent studies show that it can be effective in treating digestive and bowel disorders. Cold Liver Oil improves breast milk and promotes optimal brain development in the fetus, while increasing the levels of vitamin A for the prevention of infections.
Manufactured by: Nordic Naturals